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paz.pipelines.renderer.RandomizeRenderedImage(image_paths, num_occlusions=1, max_radius_scale=0.5)

Performs alpha blending and data-augmentation to an image and it's alpha channel. image_paths: List of strings indicating the paths to the images used for the background. num_occlusions: Int. number of occlusions to be added to the image. max_radius_scale: Float between [0, 1] indicating the maximum radius in scale of the image size.




Renders two views along with their transformations.


  • renderer: A class with a method render that outputs two lists. The first list contains two numpy arrays representing the images e.g. (image_A, image_B) each of shape [H, W, 3]. The other list contains three numpy arrays representing the transformations from the origin to the cameras and the two alpha channels of both images e.g. [matrices, alpha_channel_A, alpha_channel_B]. matrices is a numpy array of shape (4, 4 * 4). Each row is a matrix of 4 x 4 representing the following transformations respectively: world_to_A, world_to_B, A_to_world and B_to_world. The shape of each alpha_channel should be [H, W].