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Pull requests

  1. Always use full english names for variable names

    • Only the following exceptions are allowed:
      • "number" should be "num"
      • "argument" should be "arg"
      • "width" can be "W" if the context is clear.
      • "height" can be "H" if the context is clear.
  2. Functions should be small, approximately ~6 lines:

    • Functions should only do one thing.
    • Certain aspects of the code base don't reflect this but we are working on changing this.
  3. Use PEP8 syntax conventions:

    • This can be easily achieved when you install a linter e.g. flake8
  4. If new functionality is added please include unit-tests for it.

  5. Please make sure that all unit-tests are passing before your make your PR.

  6. Commits should try to have the following structure:

    • Commits are titles:
      • Start with a capital letter
      • Don't end the commit with a period
    • Commits should be written to answer: If applied, this commit will A good commit would then look like: "Remove deprecated backend function"
    • Find more information about how to write good commits here.
  7. Provide documentation of new features:

    • Use the documentation syntax of the repository
    • If new functionality is added please add your function to paz/docs/
  8. After looking into the points here discussed, please submit your PR such that we can start a discussion about it and check that all tests are passing.